Upcoming Protests
Protests below are not affiliated with or endorsed by ODC. Check with protest organizers before attending to ensure dates/locations haven’t changed. Please do your own research before attending and always protest peacefully.
Visit this ACLU webpage for your rights (link). If detained, ask for a DC public defender’s office lawyer (link).
3/7/25, Friday, 12-4 PM | Stand Up for Science (American Association for the Advancement of Science) [Lincoln Memorial]
3/10/25 Monday, 12-3PM | Shut Down the Coup! (Indivisible) [West Lawn of the United States Capitol Building 2436 Rayburn House Office Bldg Washington, DC 20004]
3/12/25, Wednesday, 6am-6pm, | Read-In Against Tyranny, (Woodsie) [Library of Congress, James Madison Memorial Building 101 Independence Avenue Southeast, 20540, Washington, United States]
3/14/25, Friday, Noon | 3.14 NOW DC (NowMarch.org + The Veterans March) [National Mall between 4th and 6th Streets N.W.]
3/15/25, Saturday, Noon | Media March on Washington (Lights on with Jessica Denson) [Fox News Headquarters, 444 North Capitol St NW, Washington DC 20001]
3/16/25, Sunday, noon | Protest at the Heritage Foundation (n/a) [Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Ave NE Washington DC 20002]
4/5/25, Saturday, n/a time | 50501 Protest (50501) [Location TBD]
5/11/25, Sunday, 11am-3pm | Black Mothers March 2025, (Black Mothers March Organizing Committee) [Lafayette Square 16th Street Northwest Washington, DC 20001]
Other Events
3/10/25, Monday 6:30-8pm | WOFA-We of Action Monthly Meeting (Indivisible) [Sign up for location]
Calling Congress
Interested in calling Congress? Use our custom Senate call sheet with phone numbers and zip codes for when you call every member of the U.S. Senate. Happy calling! (Here’s a helpful script you can use).
Book Rec
This edition recommends “The Age of Acrimony: How Americans Fought to Fix Their Democracy, 1865-1915” by Jon Grinspan. The book details the dark corruption of 1800s America, and how two generations of leaders worked relentlessly through reconstruction and the Gilded Age to fix it. It’s a 10-hour listen on audible, and a fairly easy listen/read. It does a marvelous job of making our times feel less unprecedented. We beat the robber barons before and we can do it again.
Thank you so much for all your hard work in collecring all of this information. I've been on a frantic search to find something just like this. If there is ever a need for assistance in your efforts, I'd love to help! I am tired of sitting here feeling completely powerless. I need to be more involved than making phone calls to senators, governors and congresspeople, boycotting, protesting and leaving poor reviews.